Monday, October 09, 2006

Korea is making me itchy!

My youngest neice had the experience of being greatly annoyed with people before she had the words to express to them that they were pissing her off. So when she'd get really hacked, she'd frown and say, "You're making me itchy!" It was hilarious, so I remember that when I'm getting hacked off. Getting some laughter out of annoyance is handy here since the only other option is anger and that doesn't get me anywhere.

Korea is definitely making me itchy today. My day started with trying to go and pay for the ticket I reserved a couple weeks ago for Lauren's wedding. I knew I was in trouble when the young woman at the agency took ten minutes to pull up my itinerary for purchase. It turns out she misquoted the price to me and now wants $350 more. No way, and thanks for wasting my time. I had some more choice words, but I politely swallowed them and walked out.

My next stop was the cell phone shop. I ran out of minutes last night so I went to purchase some minute cards. Fortunately the shop was open, but the telephone company is aparently changing some services and we couldn't get the cards to load. The nice guy there went ahead and sold me the cards so I could try adding them later. Yep, I'm still without a phone, and if I can't get it to work I have to go back tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be a challenge though because I also have to go and pay for the much cheaper ticket I found with another travel agent for the wedding and meet the internet repair guys at the apartment. At some point I'm also supposed to meet someone here to put my water bottle on. Since the tap water here isn't potable, the landlord provides bottled water. We negotiated for a filtering system, but of course he gave me the stupid bottle thing instead, and the darn bottle weighs about 40lbs so while I can lift it, I can't gracefully flip it upside-down to put on the machine without spilling half the contents. This means I am at the mercy of the rental agency to send someone to change the bottles out. And of course they haven't had time to send anyone today. I'd try to call them again to get someone over here, but I still can't use my phone.

Don't worry, they also have the water bottles in pony keg size so I'm going to make sure I get those in the future. I should actually be able to put them on myself and not have to dehydrate.


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