Thursday, August 24, 2006

Blending in

I realize that the Koreans are the normal ones here and that I am the weirdo. This was driven home to me when I exited the train station in Seoul into a street full of people and cars. I had pre-arranged for a taxi to pick me up, so I was looking for my name. No need. Before the car was even close enough for me to see a sign, the guy rolls the window down, starts waving frantically at me, and calls my name. ha. So much for my anti-terror training and blending in.

I also wasn't aware that I need an enormous umbrella. Not even small children use regular umbrellas, so you can imagine how silly I look with my regular umbrella. I took the cake today though because I completely forgot my umbrella. I did however have my bright green pack-cover to keep my bag dry (thank you John!). So the crazy American is walking down the street getting totally soaked, and all she has covered is her backpack?! And me being me, I'm grinning ear to ear because I know how silly I look, and I think it's a pretty good joke. People were crossing the street to avoid me. :) The pack was dry though!

The whole walking-to-work thing has been great besides the rain. It's so nice to not have to drive...but I still seem to be fighting traffic! Not that there are really any traffic laws here, but I did think motorized vehicles would at least have to stay on the roads.... Apparently scooters are not only allowed, but rampant on the sidewalks. Parking your car half on the sidewalk is necessary because people park on both sides of the street leaving less than one lane for two-way traffic anyway. AND a lot of the parking here requires you to drive up on the sidewalk and along it for a bit to get in spots. People pull right out over the curbs on purpose! I'm considering getting a helmet and pads for my walk, but that would make blending in pretty difficult. Besides, if the little Korean kids can walk to school, so can I.


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