Thursday, October 19, 2006


Oh get your heads out of the toilet! I meant the kind where you dress up and dance! Yes, last weekend I had the pleasure of attending a Navy ball. My friend Amy is dating a young Navy man, and she talked the rest of us into going to the ball with them. She found us dates and everything! Remarkably, by the week before the ball she had actually found me two dates and I was slightly concerned about what I was going to do with them since I'd never met either.
I didn't have to worry long. One of them bailed out, and then we found an extra ticket so our friend Margaret could go, but we didn't have a stand-by boy for her, so we shared mine. Down from two for the evening to half! That's okay, we made quite an impression on the crowd I guess because apparently a male ex-stripper was taken with me enough to try to get my details after we left! ha. Leave it to me to pick up the stripper.

And speaking of pick-ups.... The weekend before, I went to latino night at the club on base and had a lovely time dancing with several of the latin men, but I somehow managed to pick up the white guy who declined to dance. How does that happen? I saw him again the evening before the ball and he seems alright.

So the answer to last week's post is apparently 1.5 and a stripper. And me being me, this weekend is in Seoul with the girls. :) Educators' weekend and some shopping!

PS: All my stuff came today!!! Wahoo! My bed!!!!!


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