Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bomb threat

Well today I had my first experience with a bomb threat on a military base. wahoo. The kids are in the middle of their school wide testing this week, and naturally they are feeling a little itchy under all the pressure. So what better way to relieve the pressure than to get everyone out of school for the day right? ha. One of the kids planted a fake note in the bathroom. This resutls in an onslaught of military police, the import from another camp of bomb sniffing dogs, and the evacuation of the building. Next come the fire trucks and goodness knows who else.

Now anytime something like this happens, I've been assigned to help with a first grade class since I don't have a class of my own. No planning, no structure, nothing to do, and we have seventeen seven-year olds who are surrounded by umpteen million other kids with nothing to do. This might be my new definition of chaos. First we hang out on the grass for a while, then since none of us has eaten lunch (and every single child is now doing the peepee dance), they put us on buses to go to a mess hall where we then get to try to corral the children in the middle of army lunch time. woof. Next all the kids are taken to a gym where they get to run around and basically entertain themselves at full volume. I'm exhausted. The kids had a great time though I think. And long story short, they got out of almost a whole day of school. Unbelievable. I'm actually surprised there haven't been more bomb threats given the success the kids had in avoiding school. And of course, your tax dollars are paying for these shananigans. Thanks for the lunch.


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