Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Happy Christmas y'all! Instead of being smart and picking a tropical southeast Asian destination for Christmas, I decided to go to freezing, fogged-in London. So far besides the freezing factor, I'm quite pleased with my choice! One of my friends from school has her family here, so we have a lovely home (actually 2!) to stay in. So we arrive in London on xmas eve, get fed, settled, and a nap, and of course had to make our first outing to a pub. It was such fun! Great beer and loads of English eye candy. Her mother has been spoiling us rotten with lots of yummy food, and we all pitched in to cook a huge xmas meal yesterday. mmm. Her father is the pastor of a church, so we went to the xmas morning service and sang carols, and they were so sweet to put together stockings for all of us so we would have presents to open on Christmas. Today is boxing day which is like their day after Thanksgiving equivilent of shopping. We are headed out to Covent Garden for the theatre tonight, and then of course back to the pubs. We have been told that local pubs are kind of like a community center. Everybody goes there for all big holiday occasions, family things, and of course to relax after work. It's where you interact with your neighbors. We have been frequenting the Donkey, which is near the country house. We have plans to go to Stonehenge and do some sight-seeing in the city. I'm quite proud that I actually remembered my camera this trip, so there will definitely be pics to follow.

I hope everyone is having a smashing holdiay wherever you are, and I send you kisses for the New Year.


Blogger LB said...

Claire!!! Merry Christmas! I haven't checked your blog in awhile so I've really enjoyed sitting here reading everything and catching up. Love the hanbok. Can't wait to hear about your next adventure!! Love ya!

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In moderation, I moderately comment. Happy New Year!!

L, GPUBiff

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Claire!

I have enjoyed catching up on your blog and learning about your life in Korea and other exotic places! Thank you so much for the Christmas gifts! They are perfect and I love them!! Love you!


4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey C LOVE: wondering if you got a little care package from Nashvegas lately. I don't THINK there was any contraband in it...

10:16 AM  

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