Sunday, April 22, 2007

You put Icy Hot where?!

Comments this weekend included: Did you see what we did to his hair? How did he get the icey hot under your nose if you weren't asleep? Wanna see what happens when you put mentos in coke? All these were said by teenaged boys while spending some eleven hours on a bus. Thank goodness I wasn't responsible for them...I had the girls. They had more of the following comments: Coach? When's the next rest stop? I have to pee. I need to puke. Do you have any tampons?

Puking and exploding coke on a bus are not generally very fun for the adults in charge, but the kids sure got a kick out of it, and as for restrooms, we've decided to issue Depends to any child who refuses to try to go to the bathroom before we leave. Lucky for me, I know what happens when you add mentos to coke, so we averted that disaster, but you can only win so many battles when you are dealing with thirty-some teenagers. And these were good kids.

What new craziness is this you ask? Well, I got talked into helping coach softball. At first I thought this would just be a showing up to practice thing and supervising some drills, but the "coach" prefers not to ride the bus, plan practice, or teach anything. Really he just yells alot. This means I've been promoted to head coach! .... but I don't get the title... or the paycheck... I do get the benefits of being the one in charge on the bus, sleeping on a wrestling gym floor with all the girls, and trying to lead them. Unfortunately for them, I don't know beans about coaching, but the boys coach has done a great job of helping me try to figure it out.

So I am officially exhausted after the weekend's adventures, but all sarcasm aside, I really did have a good time. It was fun to be out on the field with the girls, cheering them on, helping them out. They got trounced the first game, and it was hard to see what that did to their spirits, but teenagers are remarkably resilient. They went out and did 100% better the second game, and they only got beaten soundley that time. It was a vast improvement! I'm anticipating we might actually be winning some by the end of the season. I get to repeat all this again next weekend, so wish me luck. and patience. and maybe some coaching skills. I think I'll need them.


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