Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Korean Insurance

Korean health insurance is an oxymoron. While national insurance is available, it is completely unnessary here! I of course have been seeing a neurologist since I've been here. It's great. In the states, I had gotten down to a once yearly visit to my neurologist...he wasn't worried about me, and it costs a fortune just to walk through the door. Heck, in the states, my neurologist wouldn't even let me make an appointment without checking to make sure all my HMO referrals went through first. Here, the neuro wants to see me once a month...and while I can submit my visit to insurance, I don't have to. The visit only costs about $3o! To see a specialist! at a hospital clinic! And I go so often, I don't have to bring a list of questions or anything with me. I get to just address my concerns as they arise. It's awesome, and awesomely affordable. Bloodwork? Oh baby. They are professionals! They stick me once and I hardly feel it...and all those labs? $15!

Why am I raving about this now? Well, I just had a wisdom tooth removed. I had the work done by an oral surgeon who also happens to be my dentist. He is the sweetest man. He took x-rays, talked to me about options for the procedure, took my tooth out, sent one of his assistants to the pharmacy to get my antibiotics for me, rechecked my stitches a day later, and is checking on me again in a week. Total cost including drugs? $65.

I guess with as much medical crap as I deal with, it is a huge relief to have such good affordable care. One more reason I love Koreans. Maybe if we all become expats our government will do something about our healthcare system. Until then, may I recommend Korea?


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