Monday, November 03, 2008

The good and the bad

One of my favorite parts about living in Korea is the low crime rate. And one of the hardest things here for a penny pincher is that the value of my dollar constantly changes. Add those two things together for my most recent blunder.

I went in to change a bunch of cash last week while the rate was really good....only to find that the rate had dropped by 200 won just an hour before! curses. I missed the opportunity to make some serious cash, and I was so distracted by my loss that I left my bag with my halloween costume there on the couch. Three days later while I was falling asleep, I realized that my Halloween costume was missing, pieced together my schedule on the day I had it, and decided the money changer was my best bet. Four days after I left my costume (shoes, jewelry, and all), it was still there. Can you believe it? All the jewelry, shoes and everything, just waiting for me to come back and get it! I was so excited to see my stuff that I thanked them profusely and cheered...and the nice lady that works there told me to be quiet and invited me to come watch her soap with her. :) I love Korea.


Blogger Bob Stein said...

Hello, Claire! Grampa George (that's what we call him) just told me about your blog when I was elbowing him for the umpteenth time to start a blog himself.

What a lovely story about the honest money store.

Maine's non-crime is humbling too. A rap on my car window, gas station clerk's face. I had left my cash in the ATM, and A CUSTOMER had reported it! So A RANDOM CUSTOMER and A SEMI-RANDOM CLERK both passed up some easy money to be nice people. It may be an intellectual wasteland but it's a karma paradise. Well, both are exaggerated. A little.

3:59 AM  

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