Thursday, August 07, 2008

Movin' on up!

Well, after a nice long summer home with familiar faces and food, I'm back in Korea for what will be my last school year in the Gu. (affectionate nickname for Daegu). I was not particularly looking forward to coming back to my broken classroom and my new responsibility as lead for the sped team, but I warily went in yesterday to assess the damage for this year and got some great news! They are actually going to let me in the building this year! After moving my office from a condemned outbuilding to a storage container, they have finally given me office space in the building! Hooray! I'm moving in today, and I'm totally stoked. Yes, I will be in a room with insulation! This winter, I won't freeze. I won't have to walk my students back to class through monsoons this fall, and my class won't heat like an oven when spring hits. I won't have any of my old concerns about falling through the floor, and I won't have cats mating under my feet. sigh. I couldn't stop grinning yesterday. I also found out that my caseload is significantly smaller this year, so I should have plenty of time to deal with my extra responsibilities as sped chair. Wahoo! I've met several of the new teachers, who all seem very nice, and to top off the good news, most of my plants survived me being gone all summer. I sure spent too much time this summer worrying about what I was coming back to. I'm stoked for year three in Korea.


Blogger Liz Llewellyn said...

yay! so glad to hear. Our game of phone tag has gotten way too good. Let's talk soon! Love you!

6:02 AM  

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