Saturday, February 09, 2008

A day in the life

So I most often write about the random interesting things here, but many of you email me inquiring if I actually work, and what I'm doing when I'm not globe trotting or singing karaoke. So I figured I'd start writing a bit about the more mundane aspects of my life as well. Not all the time, but at least once a year or so. Don't worry, I won't bore you with daily updates on the length of my nose hair.

Right now I am looking at the bleak aspect of working for two-and-a-half whole months before I get to travel again, so I decided to take an online college course and start knitting a hat. Online courses are weird. I'm used to having some direction, and frankly some level of creativity: projects, essays, etc. Despite the fact that the course is ridiculously easy, I think I'm failing it because all the grades are based on multiple choice tests, which I always over-think and do poorly on. Oh well, at least this is a relatively cheap endeavor. The hat is hilarious. I didn't figure out the whole knit/perl thing until I had about two inches finished, so I have a crazy spider web looking edge that suddenly ends in neat ribbed rows that continue the rest of the way up. The lady who is helping me said I could tear it out and start over, but then it would look like a plain old hat. No one will mistake this one for being store-bought! When it's finished, I'll post a picture.

I've also decided to round out my exercise. I walk everywhere, so I'm not worried about cardio. Instead I've been looking for fun ways to work on my strength and balance. I've been doing yoga twice a week for about a year now, and I love that. I've also recently started a tai chi class that meets in the mornings. It feels very um, natural I guess. Fluid. It's a great way to get the day started. I always leave there with a smile on my face. I've also started frequenting a rock-climbing gym. This is a story in itself, so I'll save it for another blog.

And finally, just so you know, I've put in applications world-wide to see if maybe I can transfer within my system to another school! It's sort of like playing the lottery, and I don't think the odds are much better, so I'll keep you posted on that one. :)


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