Friday, December 14, 2007

Rockin' the Vote

Korean style! I knew that Korean Presidential elections were coming up soon just from the news and talking with my friends here, but it still took me a couple days to put the elections together with the recent explosion of group street dancing.

On my last few walks about the town I've noticed large groups of color-coordinated people standing in front of large speakers and dancing. Now the Koreans like to have loud music and dancing girls for all kinds of things like store openings, big sales, you name it, so I'm used to seeing this on a small scale, but there were lots of people, and their dances were choreographed.
And they were dancing in the streets! Then I noticed the candidate posters behind them. Yes, these dedicated campaign workers with their matching uniforms and cute white gloves seem to be everywhere dancing for their candidates! I think it's a fabulous way to increase candidate recognition in the populace! They certainly catch my attention. :)

Seriously though, the Koreans are very organized with their campaigning. Each candidate has a color and a number with which they are associated to help distinguish between them. The Koreans also have all kinds of voting methods, including texting in your vote! How cool is that? I also like that their President can only be elected for one six-year term. That takes a lot of re-election politics out of the decision making. So, I have made an important decision. I would be willing to put the little white gloves on and dance in a line of supporters on a street corner if my candidate were willing to forfeit going for a second term. That seems reasonable right?


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