Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Korean advertising

Despite the homogeneity of Korea's citizens, I often think of Korea as colorful. I have commented previously on how colorful the campaigning is here, and if you haven't read it, I would recommend this link for an idea of how colorful politics themselves can become here. Most recently I have been thinking about television commercials. The ads here crack me up because I have a very difficult time trying to figure out who the target audience is. Many ads go for either visual or audio overkill, leaving the viewer cringing. Others just don't make any sense.

My favorite visual kill is for Jin-Air. This is a new domestic discount airline who call the flight-attendants (male and female) "jeanies" because they wear jeans. The ad opens with a cartoon monkey whose butt changes colors every time he slaps it, and then a banana peels open at the bottom and starts growing across the screen in an um, phallic manner. This is all occurring on a background of loud neon stripes. What ass-slapping monkeys and giant bananas have to do with flight beats me, but I still crack up when it comes on. Here's the link if you are interested.

The best audio kill is for a fast cash company. These commercials are musicals with the cast singing about the company, but the music is catchy and OBNOXIOUS. So the next add for this company? Starts the same as the rest and ends with a woman who is watching their add on TV and singing it to her husband who is putting pillows over his head. If your commercials are so bad that you lampoon them yourselves, don't you think it would be wise to take the obnoxious part out of the beginning and just have the parody at the end? Are you trying to make people hate your product? The other audio kills are commercials that have men competing over who can yell the longest. woof.

Okay, and the commercial that makes the least sense. It opens with a little boy on the beach watching a storm come in. As the water and the clouds get darker, he gets scared and goes running for his mom. You get a close up as he runs head-first into her boobs and bounces off of them, and then the commercial cuts to deploying airbags. I mean I get the comfort safety theme, but comparing boobs to airbags is hilarious.


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