Friday, August 28, 2009

Gaming the system

After my circular rejection from the American hospital, I scheduled an appointment with a German doctor. My visit to the German doctor was similar to the Korean one. They take your word for it. My medical history still has not arrived, but I'm running out of medicine, so I thought I'd give it a try with what I have. The German doctor looked at my limited info, took my word for it and wrote me a script for what I need! Brilliant! They have my shots here, and I can get them at a German pharmacy. Except.

When I started worrying about how to submit German billing to my insurance company, Carolyn mentioned that they stamp the receipts paid, and you have to pay CASH. What?! Cash? The shots are more expensive here, so we are talking about toting over two thousand dollars to the local Apoteka every month. That sounds like a good way to get mugged! And I wouldn't have the grace period of a credit card balance while I wait to get reimbursed by the insurance. sigh. I threw a small temper tantrum, and decided I would just quit taking my medicine if it was going to be such a pain.

Thankfully, Carolyn's in-laws are familiar with the medical care on both base and the German economy. So she called them, and they advised me to try to get my insurance filed at the American hospital and use their pharmacy. So I went today, and I registered at one desk, went to another desk and filed my insurance, and then went to the pharmacy! Apparently, as long as you say nothing about getting an appointment with a doctor, they will take care of you! The pharmacy actually took my prescription! Now, they won't take one from the states, but if you have been referred out to a German doctor, they will take that! Who'd have thought? So not only are they filling my prescription, they are billing insurance for me! I'll only have to pay the copay!!!!!!!


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