Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'm sparkling

I'm sparkling for many reasons. Right now I'm sparkling with tears. I took Dan back to the airport this morning after playing house together here in Germany for the last three weeks. We had a wonderful time. My aura is probably also sparkling right now with joy. Dan asked me to marry him on Thursday, and I can't imagine anything better than spending my life with him, so of course I said yes. And finally, my finger is sparkling for now obvious reasons. Dan and I didn't really talk about rings so I was quite surprised to get one, and he did a really great job picking it out without any input. It's lovely.

The proposal itself was sweet, snuggly, and totally us. Paris as I'm sure you've read was fabulous. Dan says it may be his favorite trip we've taken, but the right moment just didn't present itself. Too many people everywhere we went, and exhaustion set in towards the end and dampened the mood, so Dan held on to the ring till this week. Thursday nights I usually go to German class after school, so I don't get home till after 8pm. Since this Thursday was one of Dan's last nights, I decided to surprise him and skip. So I came home early, we had a yummy little dinner in, and then we built a fire and snuggled up on the couch. We were talking and teasing and laughing, and I decided to tease him about a dream I had the night before in which he proposed to me. Really he says? And then his heart starts pounding. I laugh at him and tease him that it was just a dream, it shouldn't make him that nervous! And he says, Well, maybe your dream was prescient! Will you marry me? It was my turn to say Really? and then of course yes. And then he got down on his knees and asked me again. He asked me if I would like something sparkly and He pulled the ring out of his pocket where it had apparently been hiding for most of the trip.

I can't tell you how surprised I was. Since we hadn't really talked about rings, a proposal was not on my radar for this trip. Apparently he started shopping for rings sometime after I left the states in August. He also managed to keep this from all our friends, so there wasn't even a small leak of information I could get a hint from. And I must admit, it was a lot more fun being taken by surprise like that. So now we are discussing dates, locales, and other details. I'm glad I have something new to plan....It will make the time pass more quickly while I wait for him to come back in December.


Blogger Naomi Skena said...

What a WONDERFUL surprise, Claire!!! :) I love that he waited for the perfect 'you' moment...I love that you found a guy that knows you that well. I love the ring he picked for you - simple and gorgeous and classic. :) I am so, so happy for you and look forward to meeting this great guy! In the mean time...hope you can soak in all the excitement before planning hits...just be sure to do marriage planning as well as wedding planning, that is my little piece of advice. It tends to fall by the wayside with all the other details but is so crucial and so much more important, ultimately. Bissous!!!!!!!!

3:03 PM  

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