Sunday, February 24, 2008

Be careful what you pray for

You just might get it. I got it this morning.

So my sister sent me the book Irresistible Revolution for Christmas, and I have finally started reading it. This guy is nuts! He is so trusting of people and of God that he steps out and makes some serious impact in the world. His trust really touched me, and the best word I could think of to describe it was brave. He is brave in his faith. I am not. I am a world-class weenie when it comes to my faith, so I prayed God to help me be brave in my faith, so I could step out and make a difference...and now I'm a small group leader.

Yes, weenie little me. So this started a few weeks ago, when a friend of mine asked me to help her with her small group. She said it would be good to have a buddy for those mornings she couldn't be there, etc. And I thought, well, that's a little step forward in my Christian life! I can help with a small group! So I said yes, envisioning some small, behind-the-scenes role, and I figured I'd hear about it again once we actually started the groups. Then this morning in church, they announced the creation of the small groups and called each leader and asked them to stand so people would know who they were. To my surprise, the pastor called my name. What? So I waved and smiled, and I started thinking about how I was going to get myself out of this mess.

They called a leader meeting after church to talk to us about our responsibilities as leaders, and to give us some ideas on how to lead groups, and I started to get a little nervous, but as the pastor kept talking, I started to realize that this is something I can do. If I'm a little brave in my faith, I think I can care for a small group of Christians. That's most of what they want us to do...just show people some love on a regular basis and pray for/with them. I'm a co-leader with my friend who originally asked me, so I won't be going it alone. But I'm suddenly a leader where I've always been a sheep. I'm slightly freaked out, but I asked for it, and God gave it to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweet friend!! Our Sunday night small group is reading The Irresistable Revolution, too!!! Yes, he's kind of out there, isn't he?? Good for you that you are leading the group. God challenges us in so many ways and opens our eyes to things we never thought we could do!! I'm going through the same thing, too. I truly believe God puts us out there because He knows we are capable of being leaders and follow Him. Love you and miss you TONS!!

10:37 PM  
Blogger Liz Llewellyn said...

No, I can't think of a better person for this "job" than you -- mighty little you!

10:32 PM  

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