Friday, March 06, 2009

Surprising Silver Love!

That's me.
In all of my infinite wisdom, I decided that the best time to learn to read and speak Korean is when I know I am leaving. Yes friends, June will mark the end of my stay in the land of the morning calm. I'm not sure where I'm headed yet, but it will either be Europe, the US, or Puerto Rico. I have applications open in all locations. :) I must say that I love Korea, and I will really miss the food when I leave, but it's time for a new chapter; hopefully in greater proximity to my family and boyfriend.

So anyway, my friend Charlie is trading me English for Korean, and I really am learning this time! I can introduce myself, and I can read pretty well! I'm also learning "I want" "I like" and other important phrases in Korean. We started talking about names and the importance and meaning behind them, and Charlie asked me if I wanted a Korean name since my English name is so hard for Koreans to say. Right on! The interesting thing about names here is that they go back to Chinese characters. Charlie picked some Korean syllables that are commonly used in names and then went back to look through the meanings of the associated Chinese symbols to find a meaning close to my real name. We settled on a syllable that sounds close to my last name here anyway, and then looked for a name close to my given name's meaning. My Korean name is Mo, Eun-Jin. There are many meanings for each of these syllables, but we chose the love meaning for Mo, silver for Eun, and surprise for Jin. Surprising Silver Love. :) Not bad eh?

PS: The most common meaning for Mo is what, which I think also goes hilariously well with my name.


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