Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The five stages of grief

To prepare you for my commentary on the five stages of grief, please follow this link to the giraffe in quicksand. He makes me giggle every time, and you can better imagine the expletives that I've been uttering. :) http://www.digyourowngrave.com/the-five-stages-of-a-giraffe-in-quicksand/

So believe it or not, I've made it through the five stages of grief in a few short months over my office. Yes, friends I've reached acceptance, but I'll walk you through the trials and tribs.

Stage 1: Denial: They won't really put children in an 18-wheeler container! Maybe it wasn't really a smokers' lounge. They'll find some office space once all the new construction is finished! Maybe we'll lose a position over the summer, and I'll get their classroom!

Stage 2: Anger: They build a whole new building and an addition to the old one, and they can't find me an office?! You mean I spent a year in a condemned building, just to get moved into a trailer? I can scrape the tar off the walls with my fingernails, and a good bit of the sub-floor is missing/brioken. Do those punks really think I can teach in this gloomy ashtray?!

Stage 3: Bargaining: Okay, if you fix the floor, scrub the walls and ceilings, replace the burnt/stained/smelly carpet, put a phone extension out here, and give me a decorating budget, I'll do it.

Stage 4: Depression: I'm going to die from second hand smoke residue. I'll fall through the floor, get trapped, and no one will notice till I've bled to death and gotten tetanus...maybe not in that order. It's stinky, and dirty, and gloomy and scary...wah! No body loves me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna go eat worms.

Stage 5: Acceptance: Well, they did scrub the walls and ceilings. I know because I helped and we didn't stop till we actually scrubbed the veneer off in some places. They swear they at least cleaned the carpet since they didn't replace it. I set the room up so all of the spots in the floor where there is not anything to support your foot except carpet are in the back where I have my desk rather than where the kids walk. This way at least none of them will fall through the floor, and I hearten myself that the three hundred pound man that occupied the trailer before me did not fall through so maybe I won't either. They couldn't install a land line without spending thousands of dollars, so I now I have a business cell phone, and I didn't get a decorating budget, but fabric is super cheap here...I got 18 yards for $24!! I chose blaring patterns and bright colors so that hopefully people will be so drawn to the curtains and bulletin boards that they won't notice the state of the actual structure.

Yes. All true. No exaggerations. Here is an after pic. I should have taken a before pic to prove it. :)


Blogger Liz Llewellyn said...

Hey dude. Sweet moves on the 18-wheeler classroom. Talk soon!

1:26 AM  

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